Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson is gone, Michael Jackson is everywhere

Back when I did 80's nights I used to joke about the holy triumvirate of an 80's pop night- Madonna, Prince, and Michael Jackson. I still remember going for those Michael singles every time I needed to create heat on the dance floor. Even further back when I was in school, I'll never forget when "Off The Wall" came out. Everybody had that album! Who can forget the huge buildup at MTV for the "Billie Jean" video?! At that time, it was the absolute heat! By the time "Thriller" came out, Jackson was the undisputed "King Of Pop." Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson were the match made in heaven.

Since this blog is about music and pop, it's important to just say: Without Michael Jackson music would not be what it is today. Jackson is undeniably one of the most influential artists of our time. Everyone dies, but not everyone is able to live throughout the ages via their art. Michael Jackson is one of those rare individuals who will live on and on. I think any true artist is constantly searching for ways to truly communicate passion, always trying to make the connection, always trying to reach out and share with others- and Michael died trying to do just that. The richness of life is not measured with material items, but with the heart and it's attempt to touch other lives. Everybody's gotta go sometime- it's not so much how did you die, but what did you do while you were alive. Michael did more than most, touched more than most, and left us with a treasure chest of music. Difficulties of living aside, in the end Michael Jackson bled for us, cried for us, and died for us. You will be missed, you are appreciated, and you're never too far away.

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