Friday, January 23, 2009

Akai MPK25 MIDI controller

Another new controller displayed at NAMM 2009 is the Akai MPK25. The appeal here is that the MPK25 combines 12 MPC pads, 25 keys, and 12 virtual knobs in a compact size. 4 banks give you 48 total samples with the pads- which are pressure and velocity sensitive. The keys are semi-wieghted and have aftertouch; the 12 virtual knobs feature bank change allowing for control of 32 parameters. Add to this an arpeggiator, transport controls, a modulation wheel, a pitch bend wheel, and you have a powerful, compact MIDI controller.

Akai's classic "MPC Swing" is also included and is the same feature that's on their MPC series drum machines. MPC Note repeat is there as well, allowing for quick rhythmic programming. The backlit LED screen is there to assist in choosing banks and other functions.

While the new APC40 is specifically aimed at Ableton Live users, the MPK25 is more versatile across the board with its combination of pads, keys, and knobs. So, if you're looking for a single and compact piece of control gear for writing music, the MPK25 is choice as it gives you control over all the basic, expressive MIDI controls. Additionally, the MPK25 has MIDI in/out connections, whereas the APC40 only has a USB connection. This all adds up to make the MPK25 a more flexible piece of gear than the APC40.

The unit is USB compliant, compatible with both Mac and PC, and is USB bus powered, shipping with a USB cable and Ableton Live Lite software.

MSRP is $399 with a street price of $299.

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