Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Earlier this week, I heard a good mash of Lady GaGa "Just Dance" and Wolfgang Gartner "Frenetica" and thought it was a "BabieBoyBlue" creation (he specializes in video mashups- and Ron a dj friend told me about it.) So, when I made my own mash after seeing the video, I thought it was BBoyBlue who has the idea to combine the two tracks. Turns, out, BBoyBlue used the music mash from a guy called LeDuxe. I just wanted a really clean version so I could play it, umm, real loud.

Of course, Lady GaGa has gotten plenty of mention here- way before she blew up. There is a clean acapella... and for the backing music, 'my' mash uses beats from Wolfgang Gartner. He's from the western USA and makes funky electro.

I've got it up on MySpace Ultraslacks.

So, thanks everybody! Ableton Live & I had fun on a Sunday night.

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