Sunday, September 9, 2007

A message plus: Out of Office"Hands Up", David Guetta "Love Is Gone", Freemasons "Rain Down Love", Mason vs Princess Superstar "Perfect Exceeder"

Before we get into a few videos, a little info re: last Saturday night.

Due to recent modifications in the booth, when I began playing the sound system wasn't right. I am not the kind of guy who messes with other people's stuff, so I just sat there and became increasingly confused, looking at every knob on the board etc to see if it was something I overlooked. Eventually the owners came in and fixed the problem and voila- back to normal. Some cords were disconnected behind the amplifiers. I was sweatin' bullets until then- could barely think! So, anyone there early on, well just wanna let you know there were technical issues with the sound system, not me! It was an honest mistake, and thank God the owners made it right! Saved my ass for sure. From then on, I was feeling Grrreat. Strong like bull. It is so fabulous to see old and new faces mixing together, having fun. Good times indeed! That is why I have been doing this for so long. The love. The fun. Pay no attention to the dj when I'm there- YOU are the main event!

Out of Office "Hands Up"

I dig the nerds. And the tune.

David Guetta feat. Chris Willis "Love Is Gone"

There's French pop and then there's the king of the Parisian gay club sound which has filtered throughout the known universe. David Guetta is a *rockstar* DJ and Chris Willis has got an incredible set of pipes.

Freemasons "Rain Down Love feat. Siedah Garrett"
The Freemasons can do no wrong. They have newer stuff out now (that I play), but for video this is hot. And a huge Summer anthem. I've already posted their newer video for Beyonce's "Greenlight", so check the archives. I'll try to limit the amount of clips per post, but if you don't have a fast connection, this blog in general will be something to skip.

Mason vs Princess Superstar "Perfect Exceeder"

Not so new, not so old either. Either way, mash-up heaven! So good in fact, they made a video.

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