Thursday, June 7, 2007

Telecom Giants Want It All

Map of the internet. Courtesy

H.R. 1788, a bill introduced to the Congress by Rep. Michael Ferguson (R-NJ), requires the FCC to "rechannelize the public safety spectrum (located in the upper 700 megahertz band) to accommodate commercially available broadband applications." That means Ferguson wants to commercialize what has been public domain. The effects would effectively ruin the concept of a free flowing, democratic internet. The internet we enjoy today would be crippled by a series of "tollbooths" where you pay up to get surfing abilities we currently take for granted. It would destroy net neutrality, putting an evil squeeze on smaller community sites, small internet business, and the dream that anyone with an internet connection can create the next e-bay or whatever. If you don't want the internet monopolized by gigantic corporations, speak now or it may be a lot harder to do so down the line.

The following links will help you learn more about the issue and get involved.

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