Wednesday, February 25, 2009

All you drummers!

Just stumbled across the fab drumming blog. Not only is it a great discussion on drumming, but it's peppered with sweet WAV loops for the DAW world. If I had more space in my place I'd set up my kit, get a six pack, and jam with the stereo all day! Hehe. But nah I've gotta do some laundry and get my oil changed.

Ryan Gruss is a vet session drummer who has now decided to blog about it all. Right here:

Here are a couple of my faves from it so far.

This Korean drummer shows everyone exactly how fun it is to play the drums. I want to party with this guy!

Now check Kenwood Dennard give an indescribable solo/lesson/history on drumming.
Thanks to Ryan Gruss for the blog. Made my day!

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