Friday, February 22, 2008

What does MySpace mean to you? EVERYTHING BITCH!!!!!

Imagine all the people...oh shit. Houston, we have a problem. The kid really looses it and is way out of control. Still, it's his brother who is the big creep. Apparently big bro deleted the kid's MySpace page- what a jerk! Then he goes in and harasses the unhinged boy with his silly friends. Definition of a psychological bully. I feel sorry for the kid, and would like to backhand his brother and his clucking pals for being such a total creeps. I hope this vid backfires all over the three stooges who made it.


Anonymous said...

He didn't delete the kid's MySpace, he sent some messages to his friends. which could be better or worse depending on what he wrote :P


Ahhh. Didn't know that. Probably worse then. Hope the kid gets 'em back. Probably hatching an evil plan.